Posts Tagged ‘spiritual growth’

Sharing Some Thoughts (Assorted) On Spirituality and Possibilities For Peace

January 1, 2014

seacapes 4 by Anton Gorlin
Seascape (stunning) by Anton Gorlin



Article Title: Sharing Some Thoughts (Assorted) On Spirituality and Possibilities For Peace
Shared by craig lock
Key Words: Mind, Spirit, Mindpower, Peace, World Peace, Spirituality,
Spiritual Growth, Positive Thinking, Consciousness
Web Sites: and

The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at + so many others I can’t keep track

(obsessive or WHAT!)

Other Articles are available at: and
(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration
and money management, how boring now, craig)

Publishing Guidelines:
These thoughts in point-form (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print.

“We share what we know, so that we all may grow.”


I’m sharing some thoughts from my past notes, which may be of interest and get you “tinking” about these “airey-fairey matters”. Hope this short piece is not too “heavy heavy” and that these thoughts may be helpful, ‘thought-provoking’ and perhaps even inspirational to you in helping make a better world.

Sharing some thoughts (assorted) on SPIRITUALITY and POSSIBILITIES FOR PEACE (‘Endless Possibilities’). But what can a mere I do ???

Faith sees the invisible,
follows the unfathomable…
and achieves the impossible.”

“I’d rather attempt something great and fail, than attempt nothing and succeed.”
NV Peale

Champion racing driver (and perhaps the greatest ever) Ayrton Senna once said: “I am able to experience God’s presence on earth. God gives me strength and life is a present that God has given to us… and that we are obliged to keep it, to handle it carefully.” Faith needs work, like everything else. It’s about individual self-realisation. Senna’s faith provided him with an armour of self belief.

Plant seeds of the highest thoughts in the fertile ‘garden of the mind’ and nothing is impossible with time, patience and persistent effort.
From small acorns, giant oak-trees grow.

THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY OF LIVING. It all starts with the individual and BELIEF in what you are trying to accomplish in your life. YOU be the change you wish to see in the world. Change in the world and even ultimately a more peaceful world lies within and starts as seeds in individuals – YOU and I. It’s a transformation and raising of human consciousness.


Dropping enough pebbles into a still pond can make ripples, which can one day turn into a great wave!

But where do our ideas come from (that’s another book).
Imagination, consciousness (higher) , our past experiences, “outer space” (as Edison called it) and/or God???.

“You feel a calling within. This is the voice of spirit, God, Creative Force, the highest thought, the highest values urging you forward to new levels of self expression and sharing something of yourself with others.

Listen to the calling in your heart, which will lead to not only your personal healing of past hurts and injustices (God, the Ultimate Source is “the great restorer”, but towards those new directions, that can contribute positively to a new world. Join your consciousness with others to effect change, transformation and also by offering inspiring action towards a worthy cause. Go forth now and share with the world your beautiful and unique vision. Your positive thoughts, intentions and actions will bless others and bring great benefit to the world.” #

The spirit, the divine spark that made the universe is in you…
but first it has to be activated. YOU can light a torch of hope for future generations. CHOOSE who you want to become and embrace the light. “We are then choosing hope over fear, unity over division and light over darkness” (thanks President Barack Obama).

Shared by Craig Lock (“just an ordinary person trying to write tirelessly for a more peaceful world”)

# I don’t know who wrote these wise words, to which I’ve added a few thoughts; so if anyone does, please let me know, so I can credit them (and ask the person for permission to include these inspiring words in my new manuscript ‘Endless Possibilities, Far and Grand Horizons’).

About the author:

Craig has been learning and studying the ‘workings’ of the human mind for much of his life. He is particularly interested in the overlap between the mind (psychology) and spirituality (spiritual principles). Craig believes in (and loves)sharing information, insights and ‘principles’ to try to make some difference in this world: to help and especially encourage people along life’s magical journey … and that brings him the greatest joy.

The various books that Craig “felt inspired to write” are available at and

The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at + so many others I can’t keep track (obsessive or WHAT!)

“Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt,
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in
dying that we are born to eternal life.”
– St. Francis of Assisi (13th century)

(Thanks for sharing those beautiful words with me, dearest mom (even though I didn’t understand them then). Your spirit of acceptance and love lives on… forever)

“Let each one of us build bridges rather than barriers, openness rather than walls. Let us look at distant horizons together in a spirit of acceptance, helpfulness, co-operation and peace. Let our leaders look at the future with a vision – to see things not as they are, but what they could one day become.”
– craig

“When the world is filled with love, people’s hearts are overflowing with hope.”

“There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion, mystery and even the occasional miracle in the magical journey of life.”
– craig

“Together, one mind, one soul at a time, let’s see how many people we can impact, empower, encourage and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials. Change YOUR world and you help change THE world… for the better”

These thoughts may be freely published, electronically or in print

* “If the Lord makes you successful, I’ll keep you humble.”
– a wife (I won’t say whose!)


Seventeen Rules For A Better Way To Live! (by Og Mandino)

July 25, 2012

Article Title: Seventeen Rules For A Better Way To Live! (by Og Mandino)



Seventeen Rules For A Better Way To Live! (by Og Mandino)

Shared by: Craig Lock









Key words: Inspiration, inspirational thoughts, Og Mandino, words of encouragement and upliftment

Web sites: (and/or

The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at and

Other Articles are available at:

(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig!)

Publishing Guidelines
We hope that the following article may be informative and helpful to your ezine readers, or on your web site. If it helps others “out there” in any way, then we’re very happy. This article (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print.

We share what we know, so that we all may grow.”


Seventeen Rules For A Better Way To Live! by Og Mandino, from his book, A Better Way To Live

Seventeen Rules For A Better Way To Live!
— by Og Mandino, from his book, A Better Way To Live



Rule One for a Better Way to Live:

Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you… with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.

Rule Two for a Better Way to Live:

Today, and every day, deliver more than you are getting paid to do. The victory of success will be half won when you learn the secret of putting out more than is expected in all that you do. Make yourself so valuable in your work that eventually you will become indispensable. Exercise your privilege to go the extra mile, and enjoy all the rewards you receive. You deserve them!

Rule Three for a Better Way to Live:

Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don’t look back at it too long. Mistakes are life’s way of teaching you. Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals. No one wins them all, and your failures, when they happen, are just part of your growth. Shake off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure? Never quit. Your turn will come.

Rule Four for a Better Way to Live:

Always reward your long hours of labor and toil in the very best way, surrounded by your family. Nurture their love carefully, remembering that your children need models, not critics, and your own progress will hasten when you constantly strive to present your best side to your children. And even if you have failed at all else in the eyes of the world, if you have a loving family, you are a success.

Rule Five for a Better Way to Live:

Build this day on a foundation of pleasant thoughts. Never fret at any imperfections that you fear may impede your progress. Remind yourself, as often as necessary, that you are a creature of God and have the power to achieve any dream by lifting up your thoughts. You can fly when you decide that you can. Never consider yourself defeat again. Let the vision in your heart be in your life’s blueprint. Smile!

Rule Six for a Better Way to Live:

Let your actions always speak for you, but be forever on guard against the terrible traps of false pride and conceit that can halt your progress. The next time you are tempted to boast, just place your fist in a full pail of water, and when you remove it, the hole remaining will give you a correct measure of your importance.

Rule Seven for a Better Way to Live:

Each day is a special gift from God, and while life may not always be fair, you must never allow the pains, hurdles, and handicaps of the moment to poison your attitude and plans for yourself and your future. You can never win when you wear the ugly cloak of self-pity, and the sour sound of whining will certainly frighten away any opportunity for success. Never again. There is a better way.

Rule Eight for a Better Way to Live:

Never again clutter your days or nights with so many menial and unimportant things that you have no time to accept a real challenge when it comes along. This applies to play as well as work. A day merely survived is no cause for celebration. You are not here to fritter away your precious hours when you have the ability to accomplish so much by making a slight change in your routine. No more busy work. No more hiding from success. Leave time, leave space, to grow. Now. Now! Not tomorrow!

Rule Nine for a Better Way to Live:

Live this day as if it will be your last. Remember that you will only find “tomorrow” on the calendars of fools. Forget yesterday’s defeats and ignore the problems of tomorrow. This is it. Doomsday. All you have. Make it the best day of your year. The saddest words you can ever utter are, “If I had my life to live over again…”Take the baton, now. Run with it! This is your day!

Rule Ten for a Better Way to Live:

Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they were going to be dead at midnight. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.

Rule Eleven for a Better Way to Live:

Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat and worry with laughter at your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution that is certain to come. Never take yourself too seriously.

Rule Twelve for a Better Way to Live:

Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best that you can do. It does not matter what others think, it is of prime importance, however, what you think about you. You can never do your best, which should always be your trademark, if you are cutting corners and shirking responsibilities. You are special. Act it. Never neglect the little things.

Rule Thirteen for a Better Way to Live:

Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.

Rule Fourteen for a Better Way to Live:

You will achieve grand dream, a day at a time, so set goals for each day — not long and difficult projects, but chores that will take you, step by step, toward your rainbow. Write them down, if you must, but limit your list so that you won’t have to drag today’s undone matters into tomorrow. Remember that you cannot build your pyramid in twenty-four hours. Be patient. Never allow your day to become so cluttered that you neglect your most important goal — to do the best you can, enjoy this day, and rest satisfied with what you have accomplished.

Rule Fifteen for a Better Way to Live:

Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Remember that no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character, are required to set up in the fault-finding business. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it. Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating the menial forces of hate, jealously, and envy. Guard your fragile life carefully. Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces.

Rule Sixteen for a Better Way to Live:

Search for the seed of good in every adversity. Master that principle and you will own a precious shield that will guard you well through all the darkest valley you must traverse. Stars may be seen from the bottom of a deep well, when they cannot be discerned from the mountaintop. So will you learn things in adversity that you would never have discovered without trouble. There is always a seed of good. Find it and prosper.

Rule Seventeen for a Better Way to Live:

Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.

What did you think of Og Mandino’s Seventeen Rules to Live By?

If you were to apply even just some of them, wouldn’t you agree you’ll be able to live a happier and more rewarding life?

These words of wisdom were taken from his fabulous book, A Better Way To Live.

If you haven’t read it, I recommend you get it (and any of his 15 other books), read it, and then apply its advice. By doing so, you’ll take your life from where you are right now to where you want to be… fast!

My best to you,

Larry Lee

P.S. To read more inspiring messages by Og Mandino, see Tip #8.




The rules in this book are rules for a better way to live. They include:

1) Count your blessings.
2) Deliver more than what you are getting paid to do.
3) Do not dwell on your past mistakes.
4) Surround yourself with your family especially if you spend long hours away from them.
5) Build this day on a foundation of pleasant thoughts.
6) Let your action speak louder than your words. But be careful of conceit and pride.
7) Look at each day as a gift from God.
8) Do not spend your days on unnecessary clutter but on productive tasks.
9) Live each day as though it was your last.
10) Treat everyone you know or meet as though you will be dead by midnight.
11) Laugh at yourself and at life.
12) Never neglect the little things.
13) Welcome every morning with a smile.
14) Set your goals on a daily basis.
15) Never allow anyone or anything to rain on your parade.
16) Search for the seed of good in every adversity.
17) Realize that true happiness lies withinyou.

The author expands on each of his rules. Og Mandino portrays that the time we have on earth is limited. We should make the most of each and every minute in order to live a better way of live.

“Success is not to be pursued. It is attracted by the person you become.”

Shared by Craig Lock (“Information and Inspiration Distributer”, Incorrigible Encourager and People-builder”)

“Man is mind
and evermore he takes the tool of thought…
and shaping what he wills,
brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills.
He thinks in secret
and it comes to pass –
environment is but his looking glass.”
– author unknown

(Thanks so much for sharing with me, dad!)


“It is not as important to succeed, but to persist.”
– inspiring words that greatly encourage me from great South African writer and humanitarian, Alan Paton (author of ‘Cry the Beloved Country’)


writers block

“You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.”
– Colette


“One person with a dream can accomplish more than 100 others without one. If you have a burning desire, you can accomplish anything. The biographies of great men and women are full of stories of how they did seemingly impossible things because they had a dream.”
– author unknown

” Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. “
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Oh man! There is no planet sun or star could hold you, if you but knew what you are.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

” I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have.”
– Abraham Lincoln

“He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his
heart, will one day realize it. Dream lofty
and as
you dream so shall you become.”
– James Allen

“No vision and you perish; No Ideal, and you’re lost; Your heart must
ever cherish Some
at any cost. Some hope, some dream to cling to, Some rainbow in the sky, Some melody to sing to, Some service that is high.”
– Harriet Du Autermont


picture from

About the Submitter:
Craig believes in (and loves) sharing information and insights to make a difference in this world: to help and especially encourage people along life’s magical journey … and that brings him the greatest joy.

The various books that Craig “felt inspired to write” (including ‘The Winning Mind’ and ‘Endless Possibilities, Far and Great Horizons’, as well as his latest “work” ‘The Champion”) are available at: (and/or

The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at and

“Together, one mind, one life at a time, let’s see how many people we can impact, empower, uplift and encourage to reach their fullest potentials.
Change YOUR world and you help change THE world…for the better. “


1. “Always count your blessings.”
2. “Do things more than you are getting paid to do.”

3 Go the extra mile (for others)
4. Use wisely your power of choice.

To fulfil the other four.

Do all things with love . . . love for yourself, love for all others, and love for Me (God). Never, ever forget . . .

As a member of the human race, the greatest miracle in the world is YOU!

“Success is not to be pursued. It is attracted by the person you become.”


Paddleboard by Gemma Chapman (credit House of Travel)

picture from


“Together, one mind, one life (one small step at a time), let’s see how many people (and lives) we can encourage, impact, empower, enrich, uplift and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials…and strive for and perhaps one sunny day even achieve their wildest dreams.”


Sharing Some Thoughts on Jesus, Love and Peace

June 5, 2012

Article Title: Sharing Some Thoughts on Jesus, Love and Peace

Submitted by: Craig Lock

Key Words: Inspiration, Love, Peace, Jesus, Empowerment, Spirituality, Spiritual Growth

Web sites: and

The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at and


Other Articles are available at:
(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig)





The Place of Jesus Christ in the History of the World: Jesus was the highest revelation of God to humanity. He preached justice and peace, and how to lead a good life. Psychologists around the globe should look to Jesus Christ’s “ground-breaking work” regarding the “spiritual journey on an earthly existence” with great respect, perhaps even reverance…for there has never been a person who knew man’s mind and nature as He did. No person before or since understood the human condition so well…or could read the human soul so easily, sensitively and unerringly. Otto Borchert writes: “The psychologist must look up to Him with respect, for there has never been a man who knew men as He did, no one ever estimated human nature so justly, or could read the human soul so easily and unerringly.” Jesus had a strong sense of mission, as well as His unique sense of purpose. his message of unity. I see Jesus as a “radical pacifist”, who broke down barriers (between people). He was a free man, free in his mind… and free in his spirit.

As my good friend, Lindsay ‘the Prophet’ often says: “Get yourself right with Jesus, man!

Make Jesus your best friend and you’ve got it made.”



So after that “little pre-amble, ramble”… in the light of current world uncertainty and turmoil, I ask myself: “What would Jesus have done (or wanted to have done) with Saddam Hussain?” Also What would Jesus do with all the other “hot-spots” in the world, like Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Somalia… and especially the “tinderbox of hatred” in the Middle East? Jesus understood society’s problems and challenged existing beliefs, even the dogmas of religion. The universal message of God opposing injustice and changing the world for the better. In my view Jesus Christ challenged the conventional thinking of the day (as He no doubt would today) and totally understood man’s nature. As Christ said 2000 years ago, “Love thy enemies”. I truly believe that the immense problems of this world cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created them. I truly believe that countries should NOT seek to dominate other nations; but rather seek “Win-Win” solutions, through working together in a “new multi-lateral and more collaborative world”. (The process of synergy at work: ie. 1 + 1 = 3… or perhaps it’s 111!). The path to peace starts with education and communication, which then leads to negotiation, inevitable concessions, compromises and “trade-offs”. Opening lines of communication is the first step towards peace. “So let us build bridges rather than barriers, openness rather than walls. Let us look at distant horizons together in a spirit of acceptance, helpfulness, co-operation, and peace.” If we ALL fully use our imaginations, doing it RIGHT, with total commitment in a spirit of kindness, love and acceptance of other cultures, and especially attempting to understand other peoples and societies*… then other immense and seemingly insoluble problems of the world, like violence, war and poverty would one day be alleviated… and the world would be a far safer place.

* an enemy is just someone you don’t understand and who doesn’t understand where you are coming from YET (thanks for sharing, my ‘kind airey-fairey philosopher friend’, Andy). And absolutely NOTHING is impossible with kindness and love:

A spirit of love dismantles evil…and… “Kindness and love is a power in us more powerful than bullets” (sorry President Bush and the military establishment!).

I truly believe that! We have to trust not man or countries (and especially the “sole super-power and self-appointed policeman of our planet”, who have done a lot of good in the past, incidentally – thanks), but God, the Universe, Our Creator, the Ultimate Source, the Grand Designer of Life for justice to prevail in this world (“there are many religions; yet only ONE God”). Yet, I truly believe each one of us has to do all in his or her power to try to make a better world… and this is my reason for publicly sharing these thoughts (please don’t shoot, “stirrer but peaceful, little old me”!).


I am reminded of something Dr Martin Luther King, Jnr said not long before he was assassinated: “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible; but in the end, they always fall. Think of it, ALWAYS.”

Jesus really did understand perfectly man and the human condition. As the world’s greatest Possibility Thinker, He DID have all the answers to the problems of the world – then and TODAY.

“When the world is filled with love, people’s hearts are overflowing with hope.”

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;

where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light…

and where there is sadness, joy.

I shall pass through this world but once.

Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being,

let me do it now.

Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

– St Francis of Assisi (thanks for passing on your generous spirit to the world, dearest mom)

“Let us build bridges rather than barriers, openness rather than walls.

Rather than borders, let us look at distant horizons together in a spirit of acceptance, helpfulness, co-operation, peace, kindness and especially LOVE.”

“Love God, yourself (and so ensure a life-long romance) and also your neighbour (so hard though it may be at times).”

craig (just an ordinary person, but a “tireless worker/writer and warrior for a more peaceful world”)

“Love is the only force that can erase the difference between people or bridge the chasms of bitterness. In a changing world, it is a constant. It is the security of the home. It is a beacon of hope in a world of distress.” *

– Wayne R. Bills, MA

“LOVE goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved.

It finds its deepest meaning and his spiritual being, his inner self.

Whether or not he is actually present, whether or not he is still alive at all, ceases somehow to be of importance.”

– WW II concentration camp survivor, Viktor E. Frankl (in his book ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’)

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.

That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr

“I believe often we greatly underestimate our potential and resources. We have it all within to do anything; but when we feel weak and don’t think we have anything left to give, then all we need to do is ask in prayer. You will receive wisdom , strength, imagination and creativity you never knew you possessed from without, from a Higher Power, your Creator… and then nothing is impossible to you and God in union”

“But what can a ‘mere I’ do, God? …and the Lord replied… “I made you!”

Many tiny (yet significant) steps by many ‘órdinary”(what’s that?) people will eventually reach their destination!

“continually tirelessly striving for a better and more peaceful world by stirring peacefully” craig

“Become the person you are CAPABLE of being … and ALL the person God, Our Creator and Ground of our Being intended us to become.”

Lord, broaden my horizons for all the rich promises you have in store for me.”

– craig


“Change can only happen when you change the hearts and minds of those who oppose you.”

– Exiled Chinese Muslim leader, Rebiya Kadeer

“When the world is filled with love, peoples hearts are overflowing with hope.”

– craig

About the submitter:
In his various writings Craig strives in some small way to break down social, cultural, religious and economic barriers through “planting, then sowing ideas as ‘seeds of hope’”. He believes that whilst we should celebrate our differences, what we share is way more important than what divides us. Craig is currently “working” on his latest manuscript a “novel”, yet a true story of transformation … from hatred to love in the cauldron of the Middle East titled ‘From Seeds of Hate to the Bonds of Love’.

The various books that Craig “felt inspired to write” are available at: and

‘The Spirit of a True Champion: A Look into the Mind of Jesus Christ’ is already available at

Craig’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.”

“Change YOUR world and you help change THE world…for the better

“Together, one mind, one heart, one life at a time, let’s see how many people we can impact, empower, uplift, encourage … and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials.”


“The Greatest Race: Living by (with) faith, hope and love is the highest podium any person can reach, God’s podium that anyone stand on.”

– craig

Prayer for South Africa and especially Africa

May 8, 2012

Article Title: Prayer for South Africa and especially Africa

Submitted by: Craig Lock

Category (Key Words/Tags): South Africa, Southern Africa, Africa, Prayer, Inspiration, Spirituality, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Writings, God, Empowerment (enough there now)

Web sites: and

The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at and

Other Articles are available at: and (Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig and may be freely published)

Publishing Guidelines:

These thoughts in point-form (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print.

This Prayer was originally written in 1994 (before South Africa’s first “Democratic” election. I have updated it slightly (today – 4am!) and am sharing it with a view to helping (in some small way) create global awareness of the current desperate plight of South Africa’s northern neighbour, Zimbabwe. This piece (as with all my articles) may be freely published (and prayed)… and If these writings make a difference in people’s lives by encouraging or bringing some joy in an often very dark world, then I’m very happy.

PRAYER FOR SOUTH AFRICA (and especially Southern Africa and most importantly, Zimbabwe…Somalia, and Darfur in Sudan… but especially for the people afflicted by the great central African drought and famine)

We join in prayer to celebrate this new nation and surrender its destiny to you. We give thanks in our hearts to the founding of this vibrant nation of diverse peoples, a beautiful yet tragic land built upon the rivers of blood, that flowed from our forefathers; yet still flow today…a ‘happy sad’ land of such contrasts. We give thanks for and bless the souls of those, who came before us and prepared this nation, to nurture and to save it; because so many gave their lives for it, some selflessly and many needlessly.

We ask that God’s Holy Spirit now fill the hearts of all this great nation’s citizens with thoughts of goodwill, righteousness, justice, acceptance and respect for others. In this may we be cleansed of all destructive thoughts. May judgement of others, bigotry, racism and intolerance be washed clean from our hearts, like the blood of our forefathers.

God, instil in us especially a generous spirit of forgiveness and hope for the future. May we play our parts, all of us, in the healing and the furtherance of our diverse country; so that South Africa will one day fulfil its immense potential, a promise yet to be fulfilled. To do the very best within our abilities in developing “the Beloved Country” socially, politically, economically and spiritually…in a spirit of acceptance, co-operation, reconciliation and peace – each and every one of us.

Let each one of us build bridges rather than barriers, openness rather than walls. Let us look at distant horizons together in this immeasurable spirit of acceptance, helpfulness, co-operation and most importantly, hope and peace. Let our leaders look at the future with a vision – to see things not as they are, but what they could one day become. * Dear Almighty God, you are all-powerful and omnipresent. You hold each one of us in the palms of Your mighty hands. May our minds be filled with the thoughts of You: Your unconditional love and Your acceptance of all Your people, Your children. May this nation be forgiven its transgressions against its fellow citizens of all races and creeds and any and all others… so that we as a nation can move forward in harmony and prosperity.

May our lives be turned to instruments of resurrection and reconciliation, to reach out and bring all our peoples together, that the sins of our fathers might be reversed through us, His children. Let us forgive, even if we can never forget. May the rich promises of this beautiful country of such contrasts be fulfilled…at long last.

The greatest resource in any nation is its citizens; so may the beauty and greatness of this rich, diverse and vibrant land burst forth in the hearts of all it’s people. Out of the mistakes and tragedy of the past, may the dreams of our forefathers be realised in us; so that we might live with thoughts of goodwill, honesty, integrity, excellence, and peace with our neighbours in a bright new dawn.

Because the human condition has far more in common, than our cultural, ethnic and racial differences, may this country become a light at the top of the hill unto all the nations of this world (but especially in the “dark” neglected continent of Africa). So that our country will be a beacon of goodness, tolerance of differences, freedom, justice, righteousness, peace and especially hope. May violence and darkness be cast out of our midst. May hatred no longer find fertile ground in which to grow here. May all of us feel God’s, the Ultimate Source of Life’s immeasurable Mercy, Infinite Grace and Love upon each one of us.

Dear God, please, please ignite in our hearts, in the depths of our souls the spark of Your Light, the Spirit of Truth and Love. May our new-born nation be given a new light: one of justice and righteousness that will be seared into our hearts, the sacred fire of freedom, democracy, the spirit of reconciliation and Your immeasurable forgiveness for past transgressions: So that the flame of ‘ubuntu’, this generosity of spirit burns brightly in the heart of all New South Africans. A new light of Love that will shine so brightly right across this vast land as a beacon of hope for the future – from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, from the Limpopo in the north to the Cape of Storms at the southern tip of Africa. May we be forgiven – each one of us. May our children be blessed. May we be renewed. May each one of us be filled with the spirit of the Almighty, the Divine. In our lives may the “Rainbow Children of the Beloved Country” manifest the Infinite Glory of God, that lies within each and every one of us.

Dear God, please mightily bless South Africa, Southern Africa, Africa …and ALL the citizens of the world.


Craig Lock (1994)

P.S: These days please pray especially for all the citizens of South Africa’s neighbour, the “desperately ” Southern African nation of Zimbabwe, as well as the poor persecuted citizens of Darfur in Sudan and in Somalia.

“Lest we forget!”

craig (updated July 2009)

Author’s Note: This prayer was originally based on the most inspirational ‘Prayer for America’ by Marianne Williamson ( Incidentally, I received a most appreciative and gracious message from former South African President, Nelson Mandela for sharing these thoughts with him “many many moons back” in 1994 (“names-dropping” again there, craig!). This icon of reconciliation and magnanimity has and will remain a great inspiration to me in my writing… for his integrity, immense ‘nobility and generosity of spirit’. Thank you sincerely, ‘Madiba’.

                                                                          #                           # “Our Greatest Good is perhaps not to achieve wealth and share our material possessions, our money and ‘riches’ with others, but through encouragement and faith in other people, to lay the firm foundation of revealing the rich treasure that lies within themselves.”

“God creates us with different gifts. Each one of us comes into the world with a different collection of life circumstances that often severely challenge us, things that give us joy and in expressing our talents allow us to bless the people, the world around us.”

“There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion, mystery and even the occasional miracle in the magical journey of life.” – craig

About the Submitter:

Craig will always love his former (but still “beloved”) country of South Africa, but also his very different “serene new home” of beautiful and tranquil New Zealand, as well as writing… but then what other job would be suitable for him?

Craig’s novels on South Africa that he “felt inspired to write”, ‘The End of the Line’, ‘The New Rainbow’ and ‘Over the Rainbow’ are available at: and

Also (e-books) l and

Craig is presently working on his latest novel ‘The Awakened Spirit’, based on some true and inspiring stories of the indomitable human spirit, that lies within each one of us, told against the backdrop of a troubled and exciting continent.

The submitter’s blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at and

“Blessed are the Peace-Makers… because they’ll accumulate plenty of Frequent Flyer points.”

“Change your thoughts and you help change THE world. Together, one mind, one soul at a time, let’s encourage, impact, uplift and perhaps even inspire the world.”


(and especially PRAYED, as never underestimate the incredible power of prayer to change anything in life).


PLEASE, PLEASE let the world’s as well as Africa’s leaders do something EFFECTIVE about the drought and dire famine in Central Africa, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan and Kenya wreaking such misery on those countries blighted citizens

“Instead of the limits of borders (of countries and of our minds) let us and our leaders expand our sense of possibility… and together let’s look at building bridges to distant horizons, far and great. Lord, help us all lift our eyes a little higher.”

– craig

“As We Sow, So Shall We Reap – The War for Peace”

October 1, 2010
Article Title: “As We Sow, So Shall We Reap – The War for Peace” Submitted by: Craig Lock
Key Words: Peace, pursuit of peace, world peace, inspiration, harmony, empowerment, spirituality, “spiritual thoughts”, spiritual growth, spiritual, spiritual laws 
The submitter’s blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and

Other Articles are available at: and
(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, ‘spiritual writings’ (how ‘airey-fairey’), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig)

Publishing Guidelines:
This article originally written many years ago (as with all my writings) may be freely published, electronically or in print.
Enjoy (hopefully)…

“stirring peacefully” craig

To your health, prosperity, a sense of self-fulfillment and satisfaction in your work, peace and especially joy.

“Those who make a peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable.”
– rather wise and prophetic words from a great leader, John F Kennedy

Author’s Note:

I wrote this piece some time ago just before the start of the Iraq invasion) in “an impulsive moment of passionate motivation and/or inspiration” ), so after seeing the horrific images on television of more daily bombings in Iraq and the killing of ever-more innocent children in Baghdad more than seven years later, my heart bleeds and that is why I sending out my thoughts in an attitude of sorrow, as well as a sincerely feeling that I should express my opinions…hopefully to try make some small difference and a better world through sharing these personal thoughts (as all I can do is write about it).
I feel “these eternal truths” mentioned in this piece are even more evident in today’s ever more chaotic, intolerant, divided and unsafe world (Unfortunately, with most of the world united with the US (and behind them as a “global superpower”) in an outpouring of sympathy, I believe the US of A (at least the decisions of the former President totally squandered a wonderful opportunity to unite world-wide forces of good to mobilise against the evil of terrorism…and so lead countries in a spirit of global unity to help build a better, safer and more secure world. Unfortunately, the legacy to humanity, has been that of a more violent, chaotic and divided world, when the USA should be widely respected as the sole Super-Power and the world leader of nations (and doesn’t the world need that desperately!). I truly hope that your great country can regain that trust and respect in the world one day with a drastic change of direction.

Still the past is past and we all have to move on and learn from our mistakes…to a new era…

“My strength is made perfect in your weakness.”
(II Corinthians. 12:9)

Enough politics and religion, and stirring with your personal opinions, “meddling stirrer” Craig!

“Those who fail to learn from the lessons of history (whether from lack of wisdom, misguided religious zeal – in order to leave a lasting legacy, or from a “limited world view”) are doomed to repeat it.”

The Universe operates on the basic principle of cause and effect. Every action of ours has a consequent REACTION. The unshakable Law of the Universe: Cause and Effect The “Law of Nature” = Growth.

Our thoughts create our reality – the HIGHER the BETTER (but don’t be so “airy-fairy” spiritual, you’re no “earthly good”). So let our thoughts (lofty), our actions and our lives be mirrors of the better society, the better world we’d like to create in the future.

Plant seeds and you get growth (in business and in life).

Plant good thoughts and you get good results.

Plant bad thoughts and bad things happen.

Plant conflict and you get conflict.

Plant violence and you get violence (“An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth – tit for tat” – the cycle doesn’t stop – “violence begets violence” – witness Israel and Palestine today).

Plant help and you get help (from other people and other countries). GIVE and you get.

So why not then do all we can to help the hundreds of thousands of suffering and innocent Iraqi citizens (particularly children and women)?

Plant “lofty” thoughts and you reap “high” results.

Plant great thoughts and you get great results.

Plant a spirit of reconciliation and you get reconciliation (An enemy is just someone, who does not understand you… and who you do not understand… YET)… Talk, mediate, enter into negotiations – “positive/constructive engagement” with one’s enemies (even “tyrants”)… then you can start putting on pressure to achieve desired ends. Because we are all connected as “brothers and sisters in the human family”, no matter where in the world we may live, we could be surprised how common are our ideals and aspirations, as human beings inhabiting planet earth (“I am what I am because of what we all are”). We all want the same things, like stability, security and peace. People just want to live in peace and do the best for their families.

Plant forgiveness and you get forgiveness.

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it’s an ongoing state of mind. A long and ardous journey that starts with a single large step – in spite of immense pain, the decision to forgive, a commitment to the ideal… and one that gives freedom… to the forgiven, yet also to the forgiver.”

– me

Plant thoughts of peace and you get peace (and with all resources FOCUSSED on peace you get focussed results, ie. economic GROWTH and PROSPERITY in countries and in people… for ALL – and not just the military!). GIVE. Plant faith in the future and you get even greater faith… and less poverty in the world.

Plant seeds of HOPE and you get more hope and less “poverty of thought” AND love (which is spiritual in nature – a spiritual energy) Even when wronged and terribly hurt by others, plant love and you will reap love in return… because love is the greatest and most powerful force in the world… to accomplish absolutely ANYTHING!

Elevate your thinking to the highest level of consciousness, for the good of ALL humanity and you can achieve wonders, perhaps even “miracles” in your life and the world. So why not like Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther-King, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Mohamed (many of them of different religious beliefs, by the way; yet ALL “great-souled people”, united by a common spiritual bond of LOVE for one’s fellow man) in our own small way reach out to help others (even ‘ordinary’ Iraqis) to make a better world. Each one of us ‘ordinary citizens’ (insignificant though we may feel) has a responsibility to raise the standards of our societies, our countries and the world. It’s up to us fortunate enough to be living in democracies to tell our leaders that we want the bar to be raised in what we will and will not tolerate. And we want absolute TRUTH and integrity, the highest ideals from our leaders!

As “children of God”, each person CAN make a difference (I truly believe that and that is my reason for sharing this piece publically)…a slightly better world than before you arrived on this planet.

“Instead of barriers and walls, let us build bridges… rather than barriers and borders, let us look at distant horizons together… as citizens of a shared humanity.”

“Let each one of us build bridges rather than barriers, openness rather than walls. Let us look at distant horizons together in a spirit of acceptance, helpfulness, co-operation and peace. Let our leaders look at the future with a vision – to see things not as they are, but what they could one day become.”
– craig

Let us FIGHT the “war of evil” with passion – with every ounce of our energy, the way the military fight in times of war. Let us FIGHT FOR PEACE and a better world with every fibre of our being … yet in a spirit of concern and even love for our fellow inhabitants of this planet.

Do that and I guarantee that JUSTICE WILL eventually prevail. The evil forces of terrorism and “tyrants” WILL be eliminated by all reasonable countries working together in a spirit of peaceful co-operation. I think it was Einstein who said that the great problems of this world can only be solved by a higher level of thinking (or consciousness) than that which created them.
A very wise principle… and yes, practical too, eh!

There IS a SPIRITUAL SOLUTION to any “seeming impossible” problem.

God, let our light shine to illuminate a darkened world. Broaden our horizons for all the rich promises you have in store for each one of us, Your children. In so doing, you will promote better understanding and acceptance of others… and so enable us to build a better world for ALL peoples.

With action, great faith, LOVE of others, the right SPIRIT and God’s help, we WILL one day WIN the “War against Terror”, the “War for world PEACE”

With passion and purpose in our individual lives we can touch others and in so doing illuminate the hearts and minds of humanity to make a better world (through helping raise consciousness). Let us offer an alternate vision for the world to embrace: one that banishes the fanatical ideology of intolerance and hatred to the darkness from which it emerged. Each one of us in our own little ways can and must offer a compelling new horizon: a bright future of justice, tolerance, respect for other traditions and values and especially a vision of hope and thoughts of peace fuelled by the eternal flame of love, which can light the darkest night.

— craig (inspired by and adapted from the words of Abdurahman Wahid, former President of Indonesia)

Lord, raise our Spirit of Humanity and bless ALL the inhabitants of this world.

Sincerely Yours

“Passionate and impulsive” craig (“just another armchair warrior for a more peaceful world”)

“Change can only happen when you change the hearts and minds of those who oppose you.”
– Exiled Chinese Muslim leader Rebiya Kadeer

“The greatness of a nation
consists not so much
in the number of it’s people
or the extent of its territory
as in the extent
and justice of it’s compassion.”
– Inscription at the Horse Memorial in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, for horses killed in the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902).

P.S: Jesus Christ challenged the conventional thinking of the day (as He no doubt would today). As Christ said 2000 years ago, “Love thy enemies”. It takes a great person of incredible strength of character to do that in the face of the deepest hurts… but I truly believe it is the ONLY answer to the greatest problem (lack of attempts at understanding other people and cultures). The immense problems of this world cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created them. If we put all our resources and imaginations together and do it right, with total commitment in a spirit of love and acceptance of others… then other immense and seemingly insoluble problems of the world, like violence and poverty will be alleviated.

We human beings CAN and WILL eventually solve them in this often very cruel, diverse, mysterious, yet still incredibly beautiful and magical world. With action by ordinary people + great faith, NOTHING is impossible. Do all you can with every fibre of your being, then simply TRUST. Life is a miracle… and we have to trust not man or countries, but God for justice to prevail.

I am reminded of something Mahatma Gandhi’s said not long before he was assassinated:

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible; but in the end, they always fall. Think of it, ALWAYS.”

“There is only one thing that has power completely, and that is love. Because when a man loves, he seeks no power, and therefore he has power. Only strive for power if it is not at the cost (expense) of other men (people). Power corrupts. You have to be pure and righteous first, before one can attain power. I believe that love is a greater force than power.

Powerful and moving words from that great South African humanitarian, Alan Paton, who wrote the beautiful work ‘Cry the Beloved Country’ in 1948.

“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
“Love suffers long and is kind. Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. And now abide faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13

“Let us build bridges rather than barriers, openness rather than walls. Rather than borders, let us look at distant horizons together in a spirit of acceptance, helpfulness, co-operation, peace and especially LOVE.”

“When the world is filled with love, people’s hearts are overflowing with hope.”
– craig

About the author:
Craig believes that in spite of world peace being an unachievable, impossible dream, anyway he’ll just tirelelessly keep “‘beavering away’ to try to make some small difference towards a better and more peaceful world.      

“Become the person you are CAPABLE of being … and ALL the person God, Our Creator and Ground of our Being intended us to become.”

The various books* that Craig “felt inspired to write” are available at and

His blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and

Craig is currently “working” on his latest manuscript – a “novel”, yet a true story of transformation … from hatred to love in the cauldron of the Middle East titled ‘From Seeds of Hate to the Bonds of Love’.

“Most of us cannot do great things, so let’s just do the little things in a great way.”
– Mother Teresa (again)

“Together, one mind, one soul, one life at a time, let’s plant seeds and march together towards a better and brighter future”



“Blessed are the Peacemakers,
because they’ll achieve plenty of Frequent Flyer points.”

All the best for 2010 and beyond